DCS Contacts

Contacts by Unit


Tom Montross of DCS

Tom Montross   (bio)
Director of Division of Central Services

Barb Novak Marketing and Communications Colorado Division of Central Services

Barbara Novak    
Communications/Marketing Manager

Maria Quinones Head Shot of DCA Admin

Maria Quinones   
Administrative Support Coordinator


DCS Unit Management Contacts

Colorado Address Confidentiality Program logo

Address Confidentiality Program
303-866-2208  |  303-866-3946 (Fax)
1-888-341-0002 (Toll Free)  |  1-800-659-2656 (TTY)



State Archivist-Aly-Jabrocki

Aly Jabrocki  
Manager/State Archivist

State Archives Paul Levit

Paul Levit  
Records Management


Jennifer Simmons  
Research Room Supervisor



IDS Denver/Northern Regional Manager
Colorado State Printer


Photo of Kait Clough, IDS Southern Regional Manager

Kait Clough
IDS Pueblo/Southern Regional Manager


Head shot of Jerry Gentry

Jerry Gentry   
IDS Denver Assistant Manager

Photo of Bernadette Dominguez, IDS Assistant Southern Regional Manager

Bernadette Dominguez    
IDS Pueblo Assistant Manager


Website Comments

If at any time you cannot find what you are looking for throughout the website, or if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to send us an email — DPA_DCS_DCA_Comments@state.co.us.