DCS will provide the best value to the State in every service we offer and to every customer we serve.
The Division of Central Services (DCS) consists of the Address Confidentiality Program, Colorado State Archives, and Integrated Document Solutions (IDS)/Colorado State Print Shop.
DCS resides under the Department of Personnel & Administration and exists to maximize efficiencies for the State and individual agencies by consolidating internal common business services to take advantage of economies of scale. The Division’s primary focus is to provide those internal support services to agencies with the quality, turnaround, and cost that will facilitate the agency’s successful deployment of services to the State’s citizens.
DCS provides support and services in the areas of graphic design, print services (digital and press), imaging services (scanning and microfilm), data entry, office printers/copiers, mail processing and delivery, secure warehousing, and fulfillment. The Division of Central Services also oversees the administration of the Address Confidentiality Program for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking and the Colorado State Archives who plans, manages, operates, and implements the State’s archival and records management program to protect, preserve, and maintain historically significant documents.
The Division’s long-term goals are to create the highest possible value for its customers, to develop and sustain a thriving team of employees, and to be recognized as an industry leader in each of its service units. The Division is able to provide competitively priced and high-valued services through professional management, skilled and dedicated employees, and consolidated service efficiencies. Because of its sizable customer base, the Division is able to coordinate and control common support services while providing lower costs through economies of scale and volume. The Central Services Division Director is Tom Montross (bio).