IDS Services & COVID-19 Updates

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With the impact of the COVID-19 community spread, IDS is doing everything we can to plan and protect our customers' best interests and ensure that everyone has the document resources and services they need.

As of today, IDS is continuing to operate under our regular business schedule. We are prepared to address the needs of both the Denver and Pueblo facilities on a day-by-day basis to combat any potential service interruption or temporary service suspension.

If there is any change in our regular service operation, we will notify customers as an issue arises and will work with agencies for a temporary solution as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the resources listed below:

IDS Denver - 303-866-4100 - or
Mike Lincoln/Northern Regional Manager at 303-866-3874

IDS Mail Delivery/Security - Gary Moore - 303-866-4665 or
Jim Patterson - 303-866-3169

IDS Pueblo - 719-948-0053 or
Rae Wiant/Southern Regional Manager at 719-582-0440   

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Stay healthy!

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Customer Account Management Team
Denver: 303-866-4100 |
Pueblo: 719-948-0053 |

Hours of Operation
IDS Northern Region/Denver - 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.| Monday - Friday
IDS Southern Region/Pueblo - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.| Monday - Friday



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