Address Confidentiality Program Services
The Address Confidentiality Program is available for eligible survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, stalking, and harassment, as well as protected healthcare workers. Enrolled participants are provided with the following core services:
- A legal substitute address
- Mail forwarding
Participants use the substitute address for creating or changing public records. Participant mail is delivered to the ACP office, then repackaged and forwarded to participants at their actual address. ACP services can enhance a comprehensive safety plan and contribute to increased survivor safety. These services are provided at no cost to the program participants.
Once enrolled, participants receive a "Welcome Packet" in the mail, which provides program instructions, forms, and Authorization Cards for all enrolled household members. Authorization Cards reflect the assigned substitute address, including a unique "apartment number." Program participants may present their Authorization Card when creating or changing public records and requesting the use of their substitute address.
Participation is good for four years at a time. Participants may choose to renew their certification every four years or choose to withdraw from the program at any time. The renewal process is initiated by ACP staff contacting households about their pending cancellation and follow-up steps if they would like to renew participation.
Substitute Address
The ACP provides participants with a legal substitute address for home, school, and work. The substitute address is the location of the ACP office in addition to an "apartment number" that is unique to each participant household. Use of these unique apartment numbers allows ACP staff to sort participant mail efficiently, ensuring that mail is forwarded to the appropriate household.
Generally, participants should use their substitute address instead of their actual address whenever possible. The substitute address can be used in public records, in place of a participant's actual address of residency. Under Colorado law, all state and local government agencies must accept a participant's substitute address. Private companies may accept the substitute address, but are not required to do so.
Mail Forwarding
The ACP receives and forwards all First Class participant mail every business day. Mail is not forwarded on weekends or state holidays. The ACP forwards all First Class, Certified, Registered, and Legal mail addressed to participants. First Class mail includes most types of personal mail: letters, postcards, and bills. The ACP cannot forward marketing mail ("junk mail" advertisements from businesses or nonprofits) or periodicals (magazines, newspapers, or newsletters). These items will be returned to the sender.
Mail Handling Delay
Once mail is received by the ACP, it is repackaged and forwarded within the next business day. Mail that is addressed incorrectly may be delayed further or returned to the sender.
Package Policy
The ACP is unable to forward packages of any type, including mail-order medications. The only exceptions are license plates and packets of bank checks. All other items will be returned to the sender. ACP participants should make other arrangements to receive packages. The Participant Handbook includes suggestions on receiving packages while maintaining confidentiality.
Business Mail Policy
The ACP is unable to forward mail addressed to a business, trust, charitable organization, or similar entity. These entities are not eligible for program enrollment. The ACP will accept business mail only if the letter is addressed directly to the participant. For more information, participants can refer to the Participant Handbook.
Service of Process and Legal Mail
The ACP acts as participant's legal agent for the purpose of accepting legal mail and subpoenas or any other personally-served document as long as the service is in the participant's legal name. When the ACP accepts service on behalf of a participant, the participant is legally responsible for complying with the requirements contained in the legal document(s). ACP staff will notify participants about the service and forward the served document(s) by mail.
Service of process will be accepted from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656