The ACP laws require state and local government agencies to accept an ACP participant's substitute address when presented with a current ACP authorization card (§24-30-2108, C.R.S.). Please contact the ACP with questions about ACP requirements and agency compliance.
Law Enforcement
The ACP Law Enforcement Guide provides information, forms, and guidance for law enforcement interactions with ACP participants.
Officer Training Video
The ACP Officer Training video explains how the ACP operates in Colorado and how the ACP laws impact law enforcement officers.
Emergency Disclosure Process
The ACP laws (§24-30-2110 (12), C.R.S.) require the ACP to provide an expedited release process for criminal justice agencies or officials if the information is required pursuant to a criminal justice trial, hearing, proceeding, or investigation involving a program participant. The request must be accompanied by the required documentation, signatures, notarization, and an internal process for protecting the information. This Emergency Disclosure of Participant Information form may be used to support the required documentation. More information about the release process is outlined in the ACP Law Enforcement Guide on pages 5-6 and 9.
The ACP School Guide provides information, forms, and guidance for school interactions with ACP participants.
District Eligibility
The ACP laws require schools to accept a participant's substitute address and verify district enrollment through the ACP (§24-30-2108 (9), C.R.S.). The ACP will determine a student/participant's school district eligibility based on the participant's residential address on file and will notify the enrolling school of district eligibility in writing. Schools may send a completed Request for District Eligibility form to to confirm district eligibility. Further information on the district eligibility determination process is found in the ACP School Guide.
Record Transfers
The ACP laws (§24-30-2108 (9), C.R.S.) require the ACP to facilitate the transfer of school records. The ACP will request and transfer student records upon receiving written authorization from the student's parent or legal guardian. The record request and transfer form is provided to ACP participants upon enrollment.
Colorado Courts
The ACP laws contain provisions related to participants' rights and responsibilities when interacting with courts. The Courts and Confidentiality sheet contains some common ACP provisions. The ACP laws, in their entirety, begin at §24-30-2101, C.R.S.
Service of Process
Enrolling in the program designates the ACP as a participant's legal agent for service of process. The ACP will accept service on behalf of a certified participant and forward the served documents via First Class mail. The Service of Process Fact Sheet provides additional information regarding service of process and ACP participants.
Service of process will be accepted from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.
Service of Legal Documents by First Class, Registered, or Certified Mail
Participants can be served by mail, addressed to them at their substitute address. Please clearly mark any envelopes containing documents to be served by mail with "Service of Process." This will ensure that the ACP can properly notify the participant of their legal obligations and record that the service was received.
Personal Service
Personal service is accepted at the Address Confidentiality Program, located at 1001 E 62nd Ave, Denver, CO 80216. ACP staff will accept personal service if the program records reflect that a certified participant is enrolled with the same legal name and apartment number as the served documents. Prior to arrival, please verify that the ACP can accept service for the person named in the documents by sending an email to with the name of the person to be served and their ACP address and apartment number. Upon arrival, tell the front desk that you are serving an ACP participant and provide the participant's information.
County Clerks and Assessors
ACP participants are entitled to the same property record protections as law enforcement officials (§18-9-313, C.R.S.).
Property Record Confidentiality Request Form
The property record protection process requires that ACP participants submit a written request for confidentiality. The laws do not require a form, but the ACP has created a draft Property Record Confidentiality Request form on this ACP and Real Property Guide for participants to use if a county clerk and/or assessor prefers.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656