Information for Private Businesses
The ACP laws do not require private businesses to accept a substitute address. However, because an ACP-issued substitute address is a participant's legal address for home, work, and school, participants are not prohibited from using their substitute address, even when interacting with private businesses. Private businesses are encouraged to prevent the disclosure of any unique identifying information that may jeopardize a participant's safety. The ACP welcomes the partnership of private businesses in finding ways to protect participant data.
General Best Practices
The following are examples of how a private business can protect ACP participant data:
- Honor a participant's request to provide the substitute address in place of their actual address whenever possible.
- Use an alias name on accounts that include the participant's actual address.
- If applicable, discuss your business's privacy policy with the participant and consider making accommodations where appropriate.
- Avoid sharing participant information on the internet including, but not limited to: addresses, contact information, social media links, and photos.
- Opt participants out of data-sharing agreements with partners or third parties.
- Allow a participant to provide a password for their account and use it to verify their identity.
Automobile Dealerships
Dealers should not collect sales tax from participants or roll new vehicle taxes into a loan. Instead, dealers must forward the paperwork to the participant's actual county. ACP participants must then pay the new vehicle taxes separately at their county office of Titles and Registrations. The Colorado Automobile Dealers Association has implemented Vehicle Sales and Titling Guidelines for handling ACP participant vehicle sales transactions.
Landlords / Property Managers
Under Colorado law, victims of domestic violence or abuse, unlawful sexual behavior, or stalking may break a residential rental lease agreement without incurring fines or penalties through the processes set forth in §38-12-401, et seq., and §38-12-402, C.R.S.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656