Request a Training Session
The ACP provides free informational training sessions and Application Assistant Certification. If you are interested in scheduling a training session for your agency, you may send a request by emailing or by calling 303-866-3344 to speak with the Outreach and Training Coordinator. Please specify whether you would like an Application Assistant Certification session or a general Informational Training.
What training type is the best fit?
Informational Training
This training type is best for state or local government bodies who may encounter an ACP participant. This training type can also be helpful for agencies who employ protected healthcare workers or commonly work with survivors of violence. In these trainings, the Address Confidentiality Program is explained at an entry level. Then, guidance is provided for agency staff to accept and reflect the ACP substitute address in compliance with the ACP Rules and Statutes. Informational trainings may be catered to the needs of your agency, whether that includes Government Compliance, Best Practices for Private Businesses, or program information relevant to your clientele and workplace responsibilities. This can be an opportunity to learn more about the ACP before deciding which employees could benefit from Application Assistant certification.
Application Assistant Certification
Application Assistant Certification is recommended for agencies who provide direct services to survivors of violence or protected healthcare. Direct services can come in many forms and Application Assistants need not specifically be advocates. If you work as a gender affirming healthcare provider or reproductive healthcare provider, or provide referrals to such services, you can become a certified Application Assistant. Additionally, if you provide therapy, case management, advocacy, or another direct service to survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, or stalking, you can become a certified Application Assistant. If you are uncertain whether you can become certified in your position, please contact or review the Application Assistant Corner page for more information.
Spread the Word about ACP Services
You do not need to be certified to share basic information about the ACP. This brochure provides information about the program and substitute address and may be downloaded, printed, and shared.
Informational Brochure in English | Folleto Informativo en Español
If you would like to request Colorado ACP brochures or materials, please email us at or call 303-866-3344.
ACP By The Numbers (as of January 2024)
- Since its inception in July of 2008, the ACP has served more than 13,300 survivors, protected healthcare workers, and their household members.
- Over 5,000 Colorado residents are active participants in the ACP.
- ACP participants receive approximately 25,000 pieces of mail each month.
- The ACP staff manage an average of 700 participant calls and emails per month.
- The ACP processes more than 75 changes to participant households each month.
ACP History
- The Colorado ACP was the first confidential address program to impose an offender surcharge as a source of program funding. The offender surcharge brought in $156,029 in Fiscal Year 2018.
- In 2013, Colorado and Arizona hosted the first multi-state planning session to explore the need for a formal organization dedicated to confidential address programs.
- In 2015, the ACP received the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA) "Outstanding Victim Service" award.
- In 2016, the Department of Personnel &, Administration nominated the Address Confidentiality Program for the Governor's Elevation Award.
- In 2016, NACAP (National Organization for Confidential Address Programs) was filed as a 501C(3) non-profit organization. Colorado is a founding member.
- In 2023, Senate Bill 23-188 passed, allowing protected healthcare workers to enroll as participants in the ACP and become certified as Application Assistants.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656