Eligibility Requirements
- The applicant must be a survivor of sexual assault, domestic violence or stalking/harassment OR a protected healthcare worker who fears for their safety.
- Protected healthcare workers include reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare workers and patients.
- Co-applicants can be listed on the application if they reside with an eligible applicant.
- Co-applicants can be children or adults. All adults must understand and agree to terms of enrollment before signing the application.
- The applicant must provide documentation to support their eligibility.
- Examples of evidence include: police reports, orders of protection, documentation from domestic violence and sexual assault services, verification of a protected healthcare worker's status, or letters written by a professional who has provided counseling, medical services, religious support, referrals, or other direct services to the applicant.
- The applicant must have relocated within the past 90 days or be planning to relocate.
- Applicants must reside in Colorado.
Enrollment Process
- Meet with an Application Assistant (AA). AAs are individuals who provide counseling, referrals, and other direct services to survivors of violence or are protected healthcare workers. AAs are trained and certified by the ACP. At the bottom of this page is a link to the Application Center Locations listing of certified Application Assistants.
- You and the AA will discuss your eligibility for the ACP and assess whether the program is a good fit for your circumstances.
- AAs are not employees of the ACP and may have agency service limitations.
- Only AAs can make ACP referrals and submit ACP applications.
- If you and the AA determine that the ACP should become part of your overall safety plan, you and the AA will complete and sign the ACP Application Form.
- Individuals who reside in the same location as the Primary Applicant can enroll as a co-applicant and should be listed on the Application Form.
- Anyone listed as a co-applicant who is 18 or older must be present at the meeting to sign the Application Form.
- Children can enroll with the permission of their legal guardian.
- The AA submits your application to the ACP. The ACP processes applications within 3-4 business days.
- The ACP assigns your household a substitute address and mails you a "Welcome Packet" which contains program information, guidance, and forms.
- Your certification in the program is valid for 4 years from your enrollment date. You will be contacted prior to that date regarding renewal for another 4 years. You may voluntarily withdraw from the program at any time.
Application Center Locations:
To begin the enrollment process, meet with a certified Application Assistant. Visit the Application Center Locations page to view a listing of available Application Assistants.
Confidential Address Programs Outside of Colorado
Confidential Address Programs (sometimes called Safe at Home programs) are available in many other states. Eligibility requirements and services provided may vary from state to state.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656
Email: acp@state.co.us

Note: The ACP is located in a secure state facility with no public access.