Program enrollment includes understanding and agreeing to certain program provisions. The provisions listed below are also listed on the program application and should be discussed during program enrollment. Participants can find additional information and best practices in the Participant Handbook.
Notify the ACP of Changes
Participants receive a Change Form in their Welcome Packet for updating and changing their ACP records. Participants should contact the ACP for replacement forms as needed.
Address and Phone Number Changes
If a participant's address or telephone number change, the participant must provide the ACP with the new information within seven days of the change (§24-30-2106(2), C.R.S.). Filing a change of address with the United States Postal Service does not satisfy this requirement and will result in undelivered mail.
Name Changes
If there is a legal name change, participants must provide the ACP with the Change Form and a copy of the court order reflecting the change within 30 days of the change (§24-30-2106(1), C.R.S.).
Adding Co-Applicants
If the primary ACP participant would like to add another household member to the ACP household, this is done through a Change Form. Remember, the substitute address cannot be used by individuals who are not enrolled in the ACP. Additionally, mail cannot be accepted if it is addressed to names of those who are not ACP participants.
Renewing ACP Enrollment
Participants who wish to continue their enrollment after the initial four year term must submit renewal paperwork prior to their expiration date. The appropriate form and instructions will be sent to the participant by mail four to six weeks before their expiration date (§24-30-2105(5), C.R.S.).
Cancellation of ACP Enrollment
Pursuant to §24-30-2107(1), C.R.S., the ACP must cancel a participant's program certification for the following reasons:
- Failure to notify the ACP of a change in address or telephone number within seven days
- Failure to notify the ACP of a name change within 30 days
- Submitting false information to the ACP
- Mail sent by the ACP is considered undeliverable by USPS and returned
- Residing outside the State of Colorado for more than 60 days
- Failure to renew enrollment prior to the expiration date
- They are a co-applicant who no longer resides with a primary applicant
- They are a co-applicant or new adult (a child who has turned 18) who has not consented to ACP participation
The ACP will send a "Notice of Cancellation" and an "Appeal of Case Closure" form to the address on file with the ACP. Participants will have 30 days from the cancellation date to appeal the cancellation.
Voluntarily Withdrawing from the ACP
Participants wishing to voluntarily withdraw from the program must submit a Request to Withdraw form. More information is available in the Participant Handbook.
Discontinuing Use of the Substitute Address
Once program enrollment ends, it is the participant's responsibility to provide all necessary parties or agencies with their new address and remove the substitute address from their records. Mail addressed to closed participants is returned to the sender (§24-30-2107(3), C.R.S.).
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656