Become an Application Assistant

What is the Application Assistant certification process?

  1. Participate in one of the following training sessions: review the prerecorded training video, attend one of the monthly virtual training sessions, or schedule a training for yourself and/or your team.
  2. Complete the Skills Assessment | Evaluación de habilidades en español to 100%. This may be taken as many times as needed.
  3. Submit an Application Assistant Agreement. The Skills Assessment and Application Assistant Agreement must be completed within 30 days of one another.
  4. Contact the Outreach and Training Coordinator at acp@state.co.us with any questions.
  5. Provide the ACP team with feedback on the training process through a Training Evaluation (optional).

Online Training Process

This is a prerecorded video of the Outreach Coordinator sharing the training content for Application Assistant certification. Please note that Protected Healthcare Workers can now enroll in the ACP, which is a change not yet reflected in this video.

Vea el vídeo de Certificación de Asistente de solicitudes ACP en español.

Monthly Virtual Training

Every month, a virtual training is offered by the Outreach and Training Coordinator. This is available for various advocates, direct care providers, and protected healthcare workers throughout the state. If accommodations are needed for your language or disability, please note that more time may be needed to coordinate those accommodations. You may sign up through this Registration for ACP Virtual Training form.

Upcoming Trainings:

  • February 11th at 2 p.m.
  • March 11th at 2 p.m.

Request a Training

If you are interested in scheduling an Application Assistant training for yourself or other folks in your agency, please contact acp@state.co.us to reach the Outreach and Training Coordinator. Trainings of this nature can occur virtually or in-person for free.

General ACP Contact Information

  Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216

  Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002

  Fax: 303-866-3946

  TTY: 1-800-659-2656

  Email: acp@state.co.us

Address Confidentiality Program Logo featuring State of Colorado 'C' in front of an evergreen tree
Note: The ACP is located in a secure state facility with no public access.