ACP Laws and Rules
Address Confidentiality Program Act (§24-30-2101, et seq., C.R.S.)
Address Confidentiality Program Administrative Rules (1 CCR 103-6)
Colorado laws and administrative rules regarding the creation and operation of the Address Confidentiality Program.
Applicable State Laws
Title 18 - Article 9 - Offenses Against Public Peace, Order, and Decency (§18-9-313, C.R.S.)
Provides ACP participants with a statutory process for requesting the removal of certain information from the internet.
Title 24 - Part 21 - Address Confidentiality Program (§24-30-2101, et seq., C.R.S.)
Title 38 - Article 12 - Tenants and Landlords (§38-12-401, C.R.S.) (§38-12-402, C.R.S.)
Allows victims of unlawful sexual behavior, stalking, and domestic violence with a fear of imminent danger to break a residential rental lease agreement without incurring fines or penalties.
Applicable Federal Laws and Rules
U.S. Treasury - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
Customer Identification Program Rule - Address Confidentiality Programs (FIN-2009-R003)
A FinCEN ruling regarding the acceptance of an ACP substitute address by financial institutions.
General ACP Contact Information
Address: 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216
Phone: 303-866-2208 or 1-888-341-0002
Fax: 303-866-3946
TTY: 1-800-659-2656