Want to make a lasting impression or secure those digital files?
IDS is fully equipped to design and copy small or large quantities, at a competitive rate. These tools are great for workshops, training classes, seminars, or as handouts, and duplications include a customized label.
If the project is part of a promotional kit or packet, IDS’ Fulfillment/Kitting Program might be worth looking into!
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Customer Account Management Team
Denver: 303-866-4100 | Email DPA_IDSCustomerService
Pueblo: 719-948-0053 | Email DPA_IDSCustomerService
IDS Hours of Operation
Northern Region/Denver - 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Mon. - Fri.
Southern Region/Pueblo - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Mon. - Fri.