Special Run Delivery

Special Runs are for larger pickups or deliveries that the customer cannot handle on their end and are at an additional cost. IDS’ Interoffice Mail Delivery Team tries to accommodate all special run requests that fall within the parameters of the policy. To avoid driver injury and increase efficiency, please review the requirements below. 

To schedule a special run or if have any question about special runs, contact us at 303-866-4665. 

Special Run Requirements

  • Any delivery of more than 4 standard-sized bankers or copy paper boxes, per mail stop, per day to ANY agency serviced by IDS will incur a special run charge at the current rate
  • A standard banker-sized box is 10” x 12” x 15”, or about the size of a standard copy paper box
  • All items to be picked up by IDS for special runs should be moved/consolidated to one single location
  • All items to be picked up by IDS for special runs should be near the ground floor or other building access points whenever possible
  • If a mail stop is serviced more than once a day, they may place 4 boxes out per stop at no extra charge (i.e., 3 mail stops per day = up to 12 boxes a day at no extra charge)
  • All special run requests MUST have a valid 9-digit mail code for CORE billing before any work will be started
  • All items to be picked up by IDS for special runs must be boxed securely and should be placed in an area with clear access to the boxes by hand truck or moving dolly
  • All quotes provided for a special run are approximations and are subject to change if there are any discrepancies in the count, mileage, time, or resources required to accomplish the task
  • All special run requests are subject to coverage, weather, and equipment availability and may require rescheduling
  • If no mail stops, there will be a charge for any amount of boxes or similar-sized items picked up or delivered
  • Double-sized boxes, irregularly shaped boxes, and extremely heavy or awkward boxes will be charged at a minimum of 2 times the prevailing box charge rate depending on dimensions and weight
  • Any additional labor or long hauls for items not readily accessible will be charged at the prevailing labor rate charge on an hourly basis
  • Any large parcel/package order that comes through the IDS North Campus Incoming Mail unit and is delivered by the IDS Delivery team will incur a Special Run charge if the item(s) are extremely large, heavy, or total more than 4 standard banker or copy paper boxes
  • The Incoming Mail unit will securely process all items that come to the North Camus through Amazon, USPS, UPS, FedEx, or any other parcel or office supply and freight delivery service as able — if the item(s) is larger than the X-ray unit can accommodate, it will be processed as securely as possible through alternate means
  • All large parcel/package deliveries that come through the IDS North Campus larger than 4 standard-sized banker boxes will incur a Special Run rate for ANY department or customer IDS services
  • All large-sized or large-quantity parcel/package deliveries will incur a special run charge or may be refused for safety, security, or health concerns (i.e., 25 office desks, refrigerators, etc.)



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Customer Account Management Team
Denver: 303-866-4100  |  Email DPA_IDSCustomerService
Pueblo:  719-948-0053  |  Email DPA_IDSCustomerService

IDS Hours of Operation
Northern Region/Denver - 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Mon. - Fri.
Southern Region/Pueblo - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Mon. - Fri.

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