Colorado State Brand Story
On March 26, 2019, in an effort to promote all that Colorado is and has to offer and to provide a fresh representation of the state brand, the Governor launched a new logo for the state and its agencies. The tree represents Colorado's many natural resources and its outdoor spirit, red symbolizes Colorado's red soil and rocks, yellow represents the state's abundant sunshine and the wheat of the plains, dual peaks represent the many mountains in the state, and rich blue base represents water, which is vital to our state.
The Colorado "C" logo serves as a symbol of Colorado's strength and a reminder of its friendly and approachable attitude. It is designed to serve as a constant and consistent reminder of everything our spectacular state can be.
To maintain the effectiveness of the brand and present the State of Colorado and its agencies as professional and trustworthy, the Governor's Office has delegated authority to the Department of Personnel & Administration's Division of Central Services, Integrated Document Solutions (IDS) to regulate use of the logo for the purpose of protecting the integrity of the brand.

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