The Department Accent Palette provides a range of colors inspired by the nature, humanity and innovation found in Colorado. The palette integrates earth tones, mid tones and vibrant tones, all of which harmonize with the brand's Primary Color Palette. There are more than two dozen palettes within the overall accent palette shown below as hexagons. Each department is encouraged to select a hexagonal palette to use as accents to the brand's primary colors. However, selecting individual colors from this broad spectrum is acceptable. Departments can develop a unity among divisions by adhering to the same accent colors. Deploy the department's accent colors in addition to the Colorado master brand's primary colors. Use of colors from the previous primary palette is also acceptable, but it is recommended to feature a few colors from the current brand.
The colors shown here are for reference only. For accurate representation of color output on professional printers, please contact to request a hardcopy color proof.
The Department Accent Palette (Nature/Earth Tones)
The Department Accent Palette (Humanity/Mid Tones)
The Department Accent Palette (Innovation/Vibrant Tones)
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